So we went in for a blood test on Wednesday (which was only CD25--KB has 26 day cycles usually)...before even having a missed period because of the positive pregnancy tests (5 of them)....and Holy HCG! Our HCG was already at 164 (progesterone 64). No wonder KB has already been experiencing nausea, excessive thirst and constipation! We go back in for our second Beta tomorrow morning, just to make sure the HCG is still rising. We have become addicted to peeing on sticks just to see that awesome purple line...which is getting darker and darker every day.
So part two of the news regarding KB's HCG, because we have not technically hit 4 weeks yet (which will be on Sunday)...the doctor said that our HCG is much higher than average. We also know that KB had three follicles this month...they said that there is a possiblity that we are cooking up more than one baby in there!!!!
Oh Jesus Christ.
I am very excited about this possibility...and a little nervous too...KB may become a stay at home (or work from home) mother afterall...
On a slightly different note...the realization that we are actually pregnant is setting in more and more. I feel like I am walking around with a goofy grin and major secret at all times. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to just blurt it out...but alas...caution is's still quite early.
5 days ago
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