17 August 2010

In labor

Started having contractions again yesterday at 2am. They were painful this time and close together. Yesterday afternoon we became a little concerned because our normally squirmy baby was moving a lot less than normal. Called our doc, who said to head to the hospital to get checked. Spent four hours in triage and learned the following: still only 1 cm dilated but 75% effaced, having strong and consistent contractions, amnioitc fluid was a little low. So they recommended an induction to decrease the chances of fetal distress during delivery and c-section. And that's how we found ourselves in labor and delivery last night. We are now 3cm dilated and 90% effaced and the wife is getting an epidural as we speak. She really wanted to do it naturally and I think she's dissappointed that she wasn't able to reasonably do so. But I'm so proud of her. She's doing great. We will hopefully be meeting the bean today!


Kathryn said...

Good luck! We'll be thinking of you all day!!

GIsen said...

Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Here's to a wonderful, healthy little baby and two happy mamas!