21 August 2010

I'm becoming nocturnal...although my body is fighting it! My dear daughter has her nights and days all mixed up. Hopefully the problem will correct itself within the next few weeks. She can easily sleep in 4 hour chunks during the day, but at night it's about 30-40 minutes at a time. And she refuses to sleep on her back in her crib. She prefers on her side on mamas chest. She also eats a ton! She's on the boob for an hour at a time most sessions. But she can go four hours in between feedings occassionally throughout the day.

The wife and I are learning a lot about emmy's piccadillos and also...we are learning just how little sleep is needed to function. They weren't kidding when they said we would be sleep-deprived. I knew it would be bad. But I don't think I was prepared for this magnitude of fatigue. I can't wait till she sleeps during the night!

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