11 May 2010

Not so bad...

So the wife had the blood transfusion on Friday. It was not so bad...just boring. It took 3 hours. Good thing I had a lot of preparation for my upcoming dissertation defense to do as we sat there waiting for blood to pump its way into her. She has a bit more energy and needs fewer naps now. She also is suddenly much hungrier, which is good because she only gained 2 lbs in the last month and is supposed to be gaining a pound a week. At the moment we are at the very minimum of what the doctor wants her to have gained. Eleven pounds so far, with only 14 weeks to go. If she gains a pound a week, we will just barely make that 25-35 lbs target. Good thing we are about to head home for a bit to defend my dissertation, go to a job interview (me), and have our first ginormous baby shower at her mother's house. I'm sure we'll be eating a lot of good food during our stay...that oughtta fatten up baby girl a bit.

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